
Showing posts from October, 2023

Haksolok ho Sabór kafé orgániku íbridu Timor nian ne'ebé ameasadu atu lakon husi sivilizasaun tempu nian!

  Ha'u la hatene tanbasá mak ideia ida atu hakerek kona-ba kafé ne’e bele mosu iha ha’u nia hanoin. Karik tanba durante semana ida-ne'e, ha’u sente konfortavél tebes ho kafe nia sabór úniku ne’ebé konsege troka ha’u nia padraun deskansa nian. Maski kalan bo’ot, kafe kontinua hamaluk ha’u ho ha’u nia komputadór.   Normalmente, ha'u-nia atividade loroloron nian, liuliu iha dadeer no kalan, kafé mak   karakterístika ida-ne'ebé nafatin suporta prosesu reflesaun ba ha’u nia kakutak ba hanoin ida ne’ebé refletivu no imajinativu liu. Baibain, bainhira iha kolega balun ne’ebé hale'u ha'u, klaru katak oferta primeiru ne'ebé ha'u halo mak oferese ba sira kafé. Tuir mai ami komesa ko'alia ba oras balun. Ne'e mak tradisaun ne'ebé komún liu iha Timor-Leste, família sira hemu kafé, nune'e bainhira hetan vizita ida iha uma, kafé mak prenda dahuluk ne’ebé sei oferese. Iha Timor-Leste tradisaun hemu kafé tempu ne’ebé naruk ona. Espesialida...

Enjoy the aroma of Timor organic hybrid coffee which will be eroded by the civilization of time!

       Source Picture: Asian Development Bank Report This time I crave to write about coffee. I don't know why the idea of ​​writing coffee came to my mind. Maybe because this week, while enjoying the benefits, aroma, and unique taste of coffee, it has changed my sleeping habits in the last few days. With a cup of coffee, until midnight I still stand by accompanied by my laptop. Indeed, in my daily activities, especially in the morning and evening, coffee is one of the characteristics that supports brain reflection for imaginative thinking, especially when there are several friends around me, of course the first thing I do is offer them a cup of coffee. Then we started small talk for several hours. It is the most common tradition in Timor-Leste, everyday families in their homes drink coffee of course, so when a visitor comes to a family's house, coffee is the first thing to offer. In Timor-Leste the tradition of drinking coffee has existed for a long time. The s...